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Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de





The Community Food Pantry at St. Mary's Mohegan Lake

Mikaella held a diaper drive and collected boxes of diapers in all sizes to be distributed to pantry families with infants and toddlers. What a great project and a way to accumulate community service hours too! Diapers are such an expense and so needed.  The families who receive this unexpected boon will be so grateful. What an inspiration for us all. 

Thank you, Mikaella.

Our Mission

The Food Pantry at St. Mary’s Mohegan Lake is an interfaith community based not for profit service organization staffed by volunteers. Our mission is to provide supplemental food to families or individuals who live in the Mohegan Lake and greater Yorktown – Cortlandt area. We seek to provide nutritional, health and referral information to facilitate our patrons in moving beyond the need for emergency food.

Winter Coat Drive

Community coming together helping families in need

Many thanks to all the helping hands that made the pantry Christmas Distribution a success!  Whether you donated food or a toy or sent monies for us to use or maybe you even packed a food bag or a toy bag, it all happened because we worked together.  259 families received a turkey or a ham and all the fixings for albeit a quiet but sumptuous feast.  The evening before food distribution, toys were distributed to 465 children.  So with your support, maybe we were able to bring some comfort and joy to the many who come to pantry door.

Let us hope that this New Year brings some peace and some relief for us all.

Wishing each and every one you a year of good health and many shared moments of joy and wonder.


​Another successful school supplies thanks to all who contributed. 281 children received the basics to start the school year off on the right foot.​

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